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In this Tutorial we walk you through the important task of setting your Tool Stand Locations (for automatic tool change spindles only!). We will teach you the process of setting the first two Tool Stand Locations; after that follow the same directions for any additional stands you want to set. You must complete this (and the next) Tutorial before starting the Automatic Tool Change Tutorial (Chapter V).

Note: This tutorial makes three basic assumptions:

  1. Your X/Y Machine Orientation is set to the Interface default setting of –1;
  2. Your Tool Stands are located at the side of the machine the X-axis will home to (left if your standing in front of the machine)
  3. You have already setup the touch pad. If your X/Y Machine Orientation has somehow been altered, go into SETUP/SYSTEM and make sure the X/Y Orientation is set to -1. See Appendix C for more information.

Start the Interface

  • From your computer’s Start menu, choose Programs/Techno Servo Interface. The Techno CNC Interface Main Menu appears.

Home All Axes

  • Press Home. The Home Menu appears.
  • Press All.

A Word on Chuck Control

The process of teaching a Tool Stand location entails opening and closing the Chuck, while selecting a specified time delay to either load the Tool Holder into the Chuck or catch a Tool Holder as the Chuck opens and releases it. Make sure you are not distracted when performing OPEN/CLOSE Chuck operations.

Empty Chuck Tool Stands 1 & 2

Place the tool holders off to the side. We'll need them later. If a Tool Holder is currently in the Chuck, follow these directions to remove it.

Remove Any Tools in Chuck

To remove a Tool Holder from the Chuck, be ready to move yourself over to the Chuck within a 10 seconds. You need to be able to do this in order retrieve the Tool Holder before it is released. Once the Chuck is opened, it releases its hold on the Tool Holder causing it to drop from the spindle. Retrieve the Tool Holder in this manner: firmly cradle and grip the sides of the Tool Holder prior to the Chuck opening. When the Chuck opens it will release the Tool Holder into your grip.

Warning: Do not place your hand, palm-up, under the tool to catch the Tool Holder. A sharp tool may cut you when the tool is released.
  • Press Tool, then Chuck Control. The Chuck Control window appears.
  • Select a ‘10 Sec’ Delay and press Open.
  • Go directly to the Chuck and place your hand firmly around the Tool Holder, above the tool bit. When the Chuck opens, it will release the Tool Holder into your hands. Place the Tool Holder off to the side.

Note: These directions are for one person to complete these tasks. If you have a co-worker that can help, instruct him to cradle and catch the Tool Holder while you operate the Chuck control in the Interface.

Load Tool Holder #1

Identify the Tool Holder with the longest bit, this should be designated Tool Holder 1. Prepare to load Tool Holder 1 and CLOSE the Chuck around it. Make sure to place the top of the Tool Holder cone all the way up into the Spindle Chuck. When the Chuck closes, it will grasp Tool Holder 1 and lift it into the Chuck a fraction of an inch. Allow for this lift.

  • Press Tool, then Chuck Control.
  • Select ‘10 Sec’ Delay and then Close.
  • Place the top of the Tool Holder 1 cone all the way up into the Spindle Chuck and wait the 10 seconds for the chuck to close. When the chuck closes, the tool holder will be secured in the chuck.
  • Press Cancel to return to the Main Menu.

Jog Tool Holder #1 to Tool Stand #1

The process of setting Tool Stand Locations requires highly accurate positioning and therefore, this process should not be rushed.

  • Jog Tool Holder 1 just outside the opening of Tool Stand 1. If you are a one-

person operation, you will need to move the keyboard as close to the Tool Stands as possible. A closer position will better enable you to set the right location. If you have a co-worker available to help you, have him stand by the Tool Stand and direct you in jogging.

Note: At this point the positioning and margin for error gets pretty tight. We compensate for this by switching from 'Continuous' to 'Step'. Do this by changing the radio button in the lower right hand corner of the Main Menu from Continuous to Step. Next, change the Step Jog value to 0.01. You can change the Jog Step value exactly by double-clicking on the words above the scroll bar. A sub window appears. Enter the value 0.01 and press OK. Now, when you jog, one click will move the axis 0.01 inch per click.

Position Tool Holder #1 in Tool Stand #1

  • Carefully jog Tool Holder 1 into the middle of Tool Stand 1. Make sure you can freely spin Tool Holder 1 (with your hand).
  • Jog the Z-axis down (Z-) one click at a time until Tool Holder 1 comes into contact with the Tool Stand plate (see picture below). Then Jog the Z-axis up (Z+) four (4) clicks.

Note: From this position we begin the finishing touches for setting the Tool Stand Location. We are going to do the following:

  • Find the X-axis Tool Stand middle position
  • Find the Y-axis Tool Stand middle position
  • Find the appropriate Z-axis Tool Stand position height
  • Set the Tool Stand Location

Find the X and Y-axis Tool Stand Middle Positions

  • Jog Tool Holder 1 to the middle of the Tool Stand along the X-axis. At the desired middle position you should be able to spin the Tool Holder, using your hand, without obstruction.

To determine a highly accurate X-axis middle position, jog the Tool Holder in a positive direction (X+) until Tool Holder 1 cannot spin freely and easily.

Warning: Do not jog beyond the point where the tool cannot spin at all.
Then, counting the number of jog-clicks, jog the X-axis in a negative direction (X-) until Tool Holder 1 cannot spin freely and easily. Take the number of jog-clicks it took to get from one side (X+) of the Tool Stand to the other (X-), divide by 2, and jog back that number of clicks to a very exact middle position. Example: if the total number from one side to the other was 20 (20/2=10), then jogging back 10 jog-clicks (X+) will be an accurate center position for the X-axis.
  • Repeat process for the Y-axis.

Set the Z-axis Position

  • Jog the Z-axis down (Z-) until the Tool Holder 1 initially contacts the Tool Stand Plate
  • Jog down 2 more jog-clicks (Z-).
Warning: DO NOT go more than 3 clicks down on the Tool Stand Plate (using a 0.01 Jog Step).

Teach the Tool Stand Location

We are now ready to set the Tool Stand Location.

  • Press Tool, then Learn Tool Stand Location. The Learn Tool Stand Location pop-up window appears.
  • Type 1, and hit Ok. A window appears confirming your saved Tool Stand Location, and asking you whether or not you want to eject the tool now.
  • Press Yes to eject the tool. The Machine will now drop off Tool Holder 1 in Tool Stand 1.

If there is a problem setting the Tool Stand location, start over beginning at Step 3. When programming Tool Changes, whatever Tool is in this Holder will now be referred to as Tool 1 (or in GCODE terms T1). For instance, if a 1/4 “ tool is placed in the holder and the program calls for T1 to be 1/8”, the machine will not be able to identify this mistake. It is the programmer/operators responsibility to make sure the proper tools are placed in the designated holders.